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Job Seeker

Below are 3 simple steps to getting a job.

If you need more help in writing your resume please book in for our Resume Help on the Activities page.

If you need to up-skill yourself log into LinkedIn Learning from our Online Learning page using your library card.

These days most job applications occur online. If you have a specific company/corporation that you wish to work for, visit their website to see if they have any job vacancies. 

If you are looking at browsing through different jobs, we have curated a list of job websites below:


WA Government Job listings

Career Jet


Career One

A resume is necessary for all job applications. The purpose of a resume is to let the employer know who you are and what you have to offer them. Along with a resume, you may be required to write a cover letter. It should state your intention and contain keywords from the job advertisement. If not requested, it is generally better not to include it.

When writing your resume it should be easy to read and only about 2 pages long. You should also make sure to check your spelling and grammar plus make sure it is tailored to the position you are applying for.

Here is a downloadable template of a cover letter and a resume.

Interviews can be performed in a variety of ways including one on one, over the phone or more recently via video call. See 8 types of interviews here. The main reason for an interview is for the interviewer to see your personality and ask you questions to see if you are a good fit for the role.

When answering questions via any of these we recommend using the STAR method. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Results. A STAR answer is one where you answer succinctly, but directly by outlining the Situation, identifying the Task that you set out to achieve, describing your own personal Actions, and recounting the Results. It’s a way of telling your story in a way that will impress your interviewer. Practice telling STAR stories about your past experiences that demonstrate the skills needed in the key criteria.

Read more about how to prepare for an interview here.

If you need further help or information regarding searching or applying for a job, feel free to use our free public computers and wifi in the library. Below we have listed other helpful websites to assist your search:

Job Outlook

Jobs & Skills WA

My Skills

Multicultural Services Centre Jobs & Skills Centre

Salvation Army Employment Plus

Immigration and Working in Aus

Jobs Hub

Digital Skills

Job Jumpstart

Stanley College

North Metropolitan TAFE

Dress for Success Perth

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